Everything You Love! Our assorted option is literally everything that you’ve been looking for in...
A Taste of Childhood! Pucker away with zero guilt on this delicious, yet nostalgic snack!...
Strips of Delight! For all gummy candy lovers looking for something extra in your regular...
A Burst of All-Round Flavor! Satisfy your appetite with the gripping, mouthwatering taste of our...
So Good, you can Bear-ly Stand ‘Em! Relish in the mouthwatering delight these gummy bears...
Enjoy a Sour Twist! Love to try something new? Then these Sour Watermelons covered in...
Savor Every Taste of The Rainbow! A delectable balance of Chamoy or Tamarind with a base...
Tongue-Twisting Goodness! Loaded with flavor and just the right amount of spice, our Sour Gummy...
Satisfy your cravings! The medley of sweet and spicy magically and deliciously works in this...
Chamoy and tamarind infused candy isn't just a tasty snack, it's way of life. Your favorite hand crafted spicy candy and rim sauce is now available in 8oz and 16oz sizes shipped directly to your door
Although we have tried our best to keep our pricing low, our operating costs have increased significantly due to rising costs for ingredients and supplies. Snack Champ will continue providing you quality products with competitive pricing. We appreciate your continued loyalty and support.